Business Site Improvement Nomination Form
For a business or property owner who has made an effort to clean, repair, improve and enhance the overall aesthetics of their property to maintain the beauty of their neighborhood and surroundings.
2024 Nominations Due by September 18, 2024
Substantial improvements. Businesses or properties that have made substantial improvements (i.e. new façade, landscaping, signage, refuse enclosure, decorative features, or a combination) to the exterior of their buildings and/or landscape in the last year.
Consistent maintenance. Businesses or properties that have consistently maintained their properties in an attractive and well-kept manner.
Benefit to the public. Preference can be given to site improvements that benefit the public (i.e. improved safety, convenience and/or general welfare of the neighborhood or the City).
Carries out the brand of Pine City. Preference can be given to site improvements which tie closely into the City’s brand and logo of, “North. Nice and Close” – either by color scheme, water/evergreen tree reference.
Eligibility Criteria:
- The improved site shall be in the corporate limits of the City of Pine City.
- Properties/projects must be visible from a public street. Submissions must have consent of owner. Self-nominations encouraged.
- For new construction or substantial remodels, a certificate of occupancy must have been issued.
- The property must be in compliance with all local, state and federal laws and regulations.
- Public projects are not eligible.
- Projects that have won in the previous two years are not eligible.
- The Planning Commission will recommend the awards to the City Council and the EDA may sponsor the award presentation at an appropriate business or development event.