Upcoming Pine City ACT on Alzheimer’s Meeting
The Pine City ACT Team is seeking input from those in our community - whether you are a caregiver or simply an interested community member - we would invite you to join us and be part of the conversation. Our team will host a Community Brainstorm Session to learn from you what types of educational trainings or resources are needed to support those affected by dementia.
About Pine City ACT:
Pine City ACT on Alzheimer’s Action Team was formed in January 2015. The two major Action priority areas are:
1. Provide education and awareness of Alzheimer’s and Dementia related illnesses.
2. Provide resources to caregivers.
The efforts of the group have provided various information and educational events Including:
● Development and distribution of a Resource Brochure
● Articles in the local newspaper that focused on the Dementia related topics including Care givers
supports, Local resources, Holidays and Caregiving
● Working with Pine City Community Education and other community and State partners, offered trainings and presentations to various groups such as; Chamber of Commerce, Faith Communities, High School and Jr. High students.
● Provided Dementia Friends Champion Trainings and Dementia Friends Information Sessions.
In 2020 due to the pandemic and social distancing orders, all activities were put on hold.
The group has chosen to reconvene and revitalize the activities and supports for the community.
Although we encourage in person participation, if you are able to join virtually, contact Natalie Matthewson to request the meeting link at natalie.matthewson@cmcoa.org or 320-227-1658
What is Pine City ACT on Alzheimer’s?
This Act on Alzheimer's - Pine City was started as the result of a group of healthcare professionals, community service agencies, local public servants and faith based groups coming together to address the emerging needs and challenges of dementia for those afflicted by the condition and the family members and caregivers who support them. Through the sponsorship of the Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging and the City of Pine City, our ACT Team has worked diligently to help bring together resources, draw awareness and offer education on dementia.
What has the Pine City Act on Alzheimer's ACT Team achieved?
Our Act Team has recently completed 3 Phases of a 4 part process towards making Pine City a Dementia friendly community:
- Phase 1 - Convening - This part of the process was dedicated to bringing together stakeholders and other community members to help assess, analyze and implement. Much of this phase involved securing grant funding for financial resources to address the group’s ultimate goals and facilitate the assessment and analysis processes.
- Phase 2 - Assess - ACT Team members went out into the community to interview and obtain data regarding the availability of resources for families and patients of dementia and to determine the level of community awareness and education of dementia related issues.
- Phase 3 - Analyze - The ACT Team used the data and information for the assessment process to assemble and "Action Plan" to educate the community of available resources and dementia related issues.
These phases consisted of obtaining grant funding with the ultimate goal of developing a process to raise community awareness, assess resources/opportunities and determine the priority actions needed to become Dementia friendly. Utilizing resources from the ACT on Alzheimer’s Dementia Friendly toolkit, a community assessment was conducted during the summer of 2016.
In September 2016 a gathering was held to share the survey results. The community members in attendance were asked to prioritize the needs and determine the focus areas to begin Phase 4. Outreach through the media and providing resources were voted the top two community activities.
What is the ACT Team working on now?
With the assistance from the ACT on Alzheimer’s state organization, the Alzheimer’s Association and the Central Minnesota Council on Aging, the Phase 4 grant dedicated towards implementation efforts was applied for and awarded to Pine City Act on Alzheimer’s. Along with the full ACT Team, two committees have now been formed. The resource/brochure committee is busy gathering information to provide both printed and social media resources to the community. The media/outreach committee will be providing education and information through the newspapers, radio and with training sessions. Included in the efforts of the media committee will be to provide a monthly article in the Pine City Pioneer relating to Dementia and Alzheimer’s.
How do I get involved with Act on Alzheimer's?
Anyone interested in more information or how to become involved with making Pine City a Dementia friendly community can contact:
, ACT on Alzheimer’s Pine City Coordinator
In the News
ACT on Alzheimer’s Continues Efforts in Pine City Area
Pine City Pioneer, January 20, 2017
Memory Cafe offered in Pine City
Pine City Pioneer, February 27, 2017
Caregiver Story: Madelyn & Harold Wimmer
Pine City Pioneer, March 15, 2017
Therapy Makes a Difference when Dealing with Dementia
Pine City Pioneer, April 14, 2017
Brain Kit resources available at Pine City Library
Pine City Pioneer, July 21, 2017
Adult Daybreak continues in Pine City
Pine City Pioneer, June 30, 2017
With Alzheimer's Disease, Every Minute Counts
Pine City Pioneer, October 13, 2017
Resource Highlight: Family Pathways
Horizons' Pine Poker
Helpful Links
Minnesota ACT on Alzheimer's Website
Minnesota ACT on Alzheimer's Facebook Page
The Alzheimer's Association Minnesota-North Dakota Chapter
Meet Our ACT Team