
Adopt a Park

Looking for something to do to better your community? Adopt one of Pine Cities parks, gardens, or trails. This can be done as an individual or a group. You build benches. Plant flowers. Do anything to beautify and better the area.   



OBJECTIVE:  To organize a public service program that allows volunteers an opportunity to beautify, clean, and communicate park issues associated with a particular park, trail, or open space area. 


WHO CAN PARTICIPATE:  The program is available to community groups, organizations, churches, schools, families, and individuals (basically anyone willing). 



  • Program provides volunteers an opportunity to assist the City Park & Recreation Department in keeping our parks clean, safe, and aesthetically pleasing.
  • AAP participants are responsible for cleaning their site of trash, debris, and downed tree limbs. 
  • Cleanup commitment of designated park, trails, open spaces is a minimum of once per month from April – October.
  • AAP participants can also undertake other beautification efforts in their adopted area upon approval by Park & Recreation Director.
  • Park, trail, open space sites are chosen on a first come, first serve basis.
  • You are welcome to plant flowers; however, if you do, you must continue to maintain them until the end of the season by weeding and watering.




  • It is a great way for your group to spend quality time together and feel good about what you are doing.
  • Your organization’s name will be acknowledged on a sign in the designated park or trail and may appear in periodic stories in the press, and recognized on the City’s Facebook page and on the City’s website.
  • You will benefit from the satisfaction of knowing that you are improving your favorite community park/trail.
  • It will not only better the parks/trails of Pine City, but the community as a whole.
  • It will give groups a chance to have a hands-on role in keeping their park/trail clean and beautiful.
  • It will assist with keeping property taxes from increasing as maintenance costs of the park system are kept to a minimum.



  • Trash bags for cleanup
  • Coordinate pickup for trash, debris, limbs
  • Materials required for City approved improvements
  • Recognition on City website and a sign at location
Participant Requirements
AAP volunteers agree to maintain their designated site for one or two years.
    1. Notify Park & Recreation Director (320-438-1014) if any additional cleanup is necessary.
    2. Place trash bags/tree limbs in or near the trash receptacle.
    3. It is recommended participants wear gloves and other protective gear to avoid injuries.
    4. The project leader will supervise all equipment and volunteers.
    5. Report all acts of vandalism, graffiti, or broken or displaced equipment to Park & Recreation Director.
    6. Supervisor/volunteers are aware of local emergency services/phone number.
    7. Volunteers under age 18 must have responsible adult supervision, and sign the form below along with parental consent signature.
    8. Use good judgment to ensure safety of all AAP participants.
    9. Time commitment is approximately one hour per week during the season.