Do I need to register my rental property?
- Yes, you need to fill out a rental registration form, pay the registration fee, inspection fee and schedule an inspection. Visit the Rental Registration page for more information.
- How do I reserve a park facility/softball field?
- Contact City Hall, 320-629-2575 to make sure the date and time you're requesting are available. Then you will fill out a park reservation form, and pay the reservation fee and damage deposit.
- What are the current burning restrictions?
- Burning restrictions are set by the MN DNR. Please check their website for current burning restrictions. You can apply for an annual burning permit here: https://webapps15.dnr.state.mn.us/burning-permits/
- What if I have a Concern to report?
- Please fill out our electronic Report a Concern form.
- If you cannot complete the electronic version you can print and fill out this Complaint/Issue/Violation from and mail to City of Pine City 315 Main St. S. Suite 100, Pine City, MN 55063 or drop off in person at the above address.
- What if I want to put a fence up?
- The City has fence requirements, and depending on the height you might need a building permit.
- What if I want to put a Shed or Garage up?
- The City has accessory structure requirements and depending on the structure you may need a zoning application.
- Where can I find Permit Costs, Water Rates, Fire Rates and other fees?
- The City of Pine City has a Fee Schedule that is approved by Ordinance usually at one of the first meetings of the calendar year.
- Do I need to license my dog if I live within city limits?
- Yes, the City's dog tag follows the current rabies vaccination. To register your dog you can fill out this online form or will need to come to city hall with the vaccination records and answer a few questions about your dog. City tags are $10 and $5 for a replacement tag.
- How do I ask the City to donate to a charitable cause?
- Find information and a request form at the Non-Profit Funding Request page of this website.
- I'm interested in some old public documents. How do I make a Data Request of the City?
- Make your request for government data from the City of Pine City at the Data Request page.
- I'd like to see the Site Map for this website. Is there one available?
- Sure! Just follow the link to find the Site Map.
- Who took all the wonderful photographs that I see on this website?
- The City of Pine City is grateful to everyone who contributed photos in the making of this website, including Michelle Anderson, Russ Peterson, Judy & Brian Scholin, Becky Schueller, Chamber of Commerce, Chris Ed, Carissa Kranz and Mary Kay Sloan